February 16 2015 – Drumdrops Admin

Drumdrops are excited to be releasing their first kit as a drum expansion pack for FXpansions BFD. The BFD pack of the 1960s Vintage Gretsch Round Badge Soul Kit is compatible with BFD2 and BFD3 and was produced and played by Timmy Rickard. This kit is an amazing recreation of the Al Jackson Junior drum sound of the early 70s and is a great example of a vintage drum sound recorded solely with five kit mics.
Customers can utilise all the great features that come with BFD to get the best out of this kit, and add it to their BFD libraries.
The first 20 lucky customers will get the pack for free, the next 30 will be £15, the next 50 will be £25 and then it will return to the retail price of £35.
Customers will need to have a Drumdrops account to purchase the kit. Login and at 4pm GMT head to the Buy Kit page.
The free kits go in a second so you have to be quick!