April 29 2020 – Graeme Allen

Kontakt and BFD Kits - Announcement
Since launching our new website we’ve had tonnes of great feedback from Drumdrops customers old and new. We listen to everything you have to say as after all, we wouldn’t be here without you!
Of course a lot of you have noticed that our old Kontakt and BFD Packs are no longer available. The reason for this is mainly due to compatibility between our custom-built Kontakt packs and the latest updates of the software from NI. Our BFD installers are also no longer supported by the latest versions of Mac OS.
We don’t want to put out a product that doesn’t work for everyone, so right now we’re busy working with a great team of developers to create rock-solid Kontakt packs complete with support for everyone. We recognise that loads of you loved the old Kontakt packs, and we want to deliver something new that is as good as, or better than, those products. As for BFD - FXPansion recently sold BFD to InMusic, so once we all know how the future of BFD is looking we’re really keen to be able to offer these packs again too.
In the meantime, we’ve been really busy in the studios and have a load of new packs and kits in the works, including a Northern Soul album and Kit, a Krautrock collection, a Modern Funk kit and even some more freebies on the way.
Thanks for all your support thus far, we can’t wait to share all our new products with you!